Ahead of the race: Q&A with supporter Marcus

Posted by Press Team

8 September 2024

Fundraising | Q&A | Great North Run | Supporter

3 min read

The Great North Run is taking place today, 08 September, and Walking With The Wounded supporter Marcus is donning his trainers ready to take on the greatest run in the north.

We caught up with Marcus during his final preparation and last minute training to see how he's finding the experience.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to take part in the Great North Run this year?

I’m 55 years old, living and working in the South Lakes as an Operations Director for a home fragrance manufacturer. I’ve got a daughter who lives and works in West Yorkshire, and my girlfriend Patsy who lives in Northumberland. If I’m not walking the Northumberland coast with Patsy and Ted the Cocker Spaniel then I love to watch sport, especially Rugby League (I’m a big Castleford Tigers fan!). I also enjoy running, and I’m part of the Hoad Hill Runners in Ulverston. In 2019, I ran the London Marathon, and this year I achieved my Parkrun 100 milestone! I’ve always wanted to run in the Great North Run as I’m inspired every year that I watch it.

Have you participated in the Great North Run before, or is this your first time? What made you decide to do it again, or what motivated you to take the plunge this year?

I’ve never ran the Great North Run before, so this is my first time. I’ve struggled recently with my motivation to run, so I wanted to give myself a challenge. Having contacted Elle Hughes last year, I approached her and managed to secure a place in the run this year with WWTW.

Why did you choose to run in support of WWTW?

My girlfriend Patsy is an ambassador of WWTW based in the North East and raises money each year with a sponsored walk for ‘Walking Home’. Last December I supported her with those walks and decided to run 10 miles a day for 7 days, raising money directly for the charity. As a veteran herself, I was able to appreciate through Patsy what the charity was all about. I admire greatly what our veterans have done for this country yet understand how challenging it is to engage back into society in order to make a living after their service has ended. We owe a great deal to these people for their courage and having worked alongside other veterans in my career, I wanted to support in any way I could. Running the Great North Run allows me to fulfil a personal goal whilst raising money which I know will have a direct benefit to these veterans, giving them a sense of purpose and helping them to make a positive contribution to their communities.

How have you been preparing for the Great North Run? What has your training regime looked like?

I run each week with the club and have been running a longer distance run along the Northumberland coast over the weekends. I’m part of a gym so have been doing at least two classes a week, a mix of spin classes and HIIT sessions. I eat healthy, although I’m trying to curb my sweet tooth addictions until at least after the run!

What challenges have you faced during your preparation, and how have you overcome them?

The biggest challenge is the battle that goes on in the mind, coming home tired after a day at work and having to find the motivation to go out in all weathers. I am grateful for the running club and other friends and family who encourage me and offer support. The donations I’ve received also serve as a motivator to keep training knowing that it is going to help make a difference to peoples lives.

What are you most looking forward to on race day?

I’m looking forward to the buzz from the crowds. You feed off their support as you run, giving you the strength and determination to keep going, especially in the latter stages.

How do you plan to keep yourself motivated throughout the race, especially during the more challenging stretches?

By keeping in mind the difference the money I am raising will make to these veterans. Knowing that Patsy will be at the finish line to welcome me back. Looking forward to my favourite meal and a pint afterwards!

What’s next for you after completing the Great North Run? Any other challenges on the horizon?

I do have a desire to run one more marathon and would love to complete London again or one other marathon event such as Berlin or New York and would love to represent WWTW in those.