Even a short spell in the Armed Forces can make a life-changing impact. For military veteran Carly, managing her mental health after being discharged from the Army meant years of struggle.

But with the employment support from Walking With The Wounded, Carly’s now found a career that’s as important to her as it is for the people she helps.

Discharged into an unknown future

Carly joined the Army in June 2012 and almost immediately, problems began to show. Carly experienced intense anxiety, especially around the physical training sessions. Even though Carly was and is physically fit, she felt trapped and unable to cope with a situation she could not get out of.

Carly was discharged from her military service just 15 months after joining. She continued to suffer with mental health problems, made worse by not knowing what her future could look like. She tried to find work but couldn’t settle and moved around from job to job. By 2015, Carly’s mental health had deteriorated further, and she suffered a breakdown.

Finding mental health and employment support 

Carly was unable to work for 12 months, but was receiving help from her GP and community mental health team. In 2017, she finally connected with Walking With The Wounded through one of our Employment Programme Advisors.

Carly says the experience was ‘brilliant from day one’. She’d found an experienced Employment Advisor who was friendly, emphatic and approachable. They discussed her background, and even though Carly felt she shouldn’t be entitled to support after serving for only 15 months, we assured her WWTW work with every veteran who needs support. Her Employment Advisor showed Carly how to apply for all available benefits, and encouraged her to think about her career path. Carly was beginning to think about her mental health, and wanted to remain close to her horse and two dogs. For Carly, these animals were her lifeline.

Getting practical, life-changing advice

Still struggling with her mental health, Carly suffered a further breakdown. Again, her Employment Advisor was there to offer support, and encouraged her to seek clinical support. This was life-changing advice, connecting Carly with regular therapy sessions and more effective medication. Carly began to feel more in control and her Employment Advisor encouraged her to think about the future but always prioritise her mental health.

Carly’s Employment Advisor advised her to think about working in the adult services sector and suggested she could think about a role as a job coach with Enable, a local supported employment service. Motivated by the prospect of doing something she could truly enjoy and excel at, and when a position became available, Carly applied for it and was successful.

"My whole life has changed after meeting the Employment Advisor from WWTW. I can now see that I have a bright future thanks to them. Being employed by a company that understands my mental health issues is really comforting."

Carly, military veteran and WWTW beneficiary

A new sense of security after military service

Carly had a huge boost in confidence, feeling happy and with a new sense of security. The prospect of a regular wage is now letting her plan for a more positive future as she works towards further training and qualifications so she can really excel at the career that’s right for her.


Learn how we have supported other veterans with our programmes of support.